About The Deer Initiative Partnership

The Deer Initiative Partnership – where a collective commitment to sustainable, safe, and humane management drives our endeavours. We recognise the diverse array of interests – both public and private, statutory and voluntary – that converge in the pursuit of a common goal.

The achievement and maintenance of a sustainable and healthy population of wild deer in England and Wales.

In a world where the need for responsible and holistic management solutions is more crucial than ever, the Deer Initiative Partnership stands as a beacon of collaboration. We believe in the power of unity, bringing together stakeholders from various spheres to address the complexities of wildlife management.

Pioneering landscape-scale solutions for sustainable land management

Our approach extends beyond wild deer, embracing the broader spectrum of land management challenges. From wild boar to non-native species, biofuels to habitat networks, the Deer Initiative Partnership’s model sets a precedent for landscape-scale solutions. As advocates for a sustainable future, we champion the idea that managing our landscapes requires a comprehensive understanding of interconnected ecosystems.


The Deer Initiative Partnership is not just an organisation; it’s a testament to the success of a “big society” managing landscape-scale challenges. We invite you to join us in our commitment to fostering a balanced and thriving environment—one where wildlife and sustainable land management coexist harmoniously.

Discover the Deer Initiative Partnership—an embodiment of our shared vision for a better, more sustainable approach to a well-managed deer population throughout England and Wales.

Best Practice Guides designed to support you

We have developed a comprehensive a comprehensive range of guides on wild deer management. The guides provided online are free of charge subject to some simple terms of use.

Our Principles

At the heart of the Deer Initiative Partnership (DIP) is a shared vision to foster sustainable deer* management and conservation practices. Through collaboration, expertise and a commitment to responsible stewardship, we strive to strike a balance between the needs of wild deer, people, our economy and the environment.


The DIP brings together stakeholders from public, private and voluntary sectors. The Partners recognise that wild deer are a part of the natural environment, economy and culture of England and Wales.


The DIP acknowledges that a wide array of individuals provide a significant contribution in many forms towards the management of wild deer.

The Partners endeavour to actively facilitate and support these principles insofar as they are compatible with the policies of their own organisation, and so long as the principles are upheld.


Delivery of the full benefits and objectives of the Partnership will require the active contribution by a wide range of public, private and voluntary organisations with an interest in wild deer, land use and the environment.


A sustainable and balanced population of wild deer.

  • As Partners we will consult and network our diverse interests and objectives in a collaborative manner with the aim of ensuring the delivery of sustainable, well-managed wild deer populations in England and Wales in balance with the natural environment.
  • The balance of wild deer populations will vary at the landscape level, as will the management objectives.
  • A humane, responsible and sensitive approach to the management of wild deer.
  • We will endeavour to ensure deer populations do not become out of balance with the environment and natural resources. Partners support the planning and delivery of active deer management programmes, including lethal control. Such management should always be undertaken legally and in a humane, responsible and sensitive manner.

Sector skills

  • A sound base of experience and knowledge in deer management is a common goal of the Partnership. Adherence to best practice by competent and skilled individuals is an important part of sustainable deer management.
  • We will encourage and promote the development and delivery of accredited training for all those with deer management remits and interests.
  • We will inspire and support the next generation of deer managers so deer can be managed in perpetuity.
  • The DIP will ensure best practice is maintained and reviewed appropriately.
  • An informed public understanding of wild deer management.
  • We will encourage and promote better wider understanding of wild deer, their impacts and management.
  • The presence of deer in an area can add greatly to people’s enjoyment but deer can also have negative consequences; the Partners will provide information to extend the understanding of the benefits and impacts of wild deer.
  • We will also support the scientific study and research into wild deer where appropriate.


  • We will champion British wild venison as a low carbon, ethical and healthy form of red meat to support a viable market for all deer culled.


* Throughout the principles outlined, the term ‘deer’ is used to describe the six species of deer commonly found in the wild in England; that is, red (Cervus elaphus), roe (Capreolus capreolus), fallow (Dama dama), sika (Cervus nippon), muntjac (Muntiacus reevesii) and Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis).